Separation is understandably a trying time for many couples, however it is important to also remember to address the practical issues. Here is an extensive ‘To Do List’ by Michelle Beatty that points out things many of us…
Read moreIn this article acclaimed couples counsellor Don Elium looks at why people separate and how to avoid an unnecessary divorce. There are 3 REALLY BAD REASONS to push for a separation: 1. For revenge or punishment over emotional hurt. This…
Read moreSo you’re not a celebrity power couple like Beyoncé and Jay-Z or a billionaire on his third marriage like Rupert Murdoch, but you and your partner are getting divorced. So… do you have a prenup? Not married? Perhaps you…
Read moreAt Resolve Conflict Family Lawyers & Mediators we aim to help families resolve their conflicts, not surprisingly a lot of family issues arises from the lack of communication within the family unit. The below article by looks…
Read moreThe following article was written by Resolve Conflict graduate lawyer Ellen Gutman BA, LLM ( JD) and was first published on Jewish online publication, Galus Australis. The Hebrew term for Collaborative Practice is ‘Lehitgaresh beshalom’ – to divorce…
Read moreThis article by Mark Bouris first appeared on on April 24 May, 2015. “There are more than 50,000 divorces each year in Australia. It’s an emotional and disruptive time for both men and women and separating spouses can…
Read moreSurrogacy laws have become a matter of great contention following the news of baby Gammy, one of two twins conceived by Australian parents, who was left in the care of his Thai surrogate mother and suffering from Down…
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