Fast Facts On Marriages In Australia

Resolve Conflict Marriage in Australia

We found Mccrindle’s Research Director, Claire Madden’s findings on marriage trends in Australia really interesting, have a look below to see the latest research on marriage statistics in Australia.

Resolve Conflict marriages per year in Australia
Whilst the marriage rate has been slowly declining over the decades, as our population grows, there are still more weddings now than there were a decade ago. We hit the peak number of weddings in 2012 with over 123,000 weddings that year.

Resolve Conflict First Time Marriage

The average female is getting married at 28.3 today and males at 29.9, this has been pushed back by about 5 years over the last 3 decades.

Resolve Conflict Road of love

The total number of divorces has been declining – there are fewer now than any time in the last 20 years, as both the divorce rate and divorce numbers have been declining. 10 years ago the divorce rate was 2.7 per 1,000 people, one year ago it was 2.2. and it is now 2.1 per 1,000 people.

Whilst 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce, they are lasting longer than 2 decades ago. In 1993, the average length of marriages that ended in divorce was 10.7 years, today they are lasting 12.1 years on average.

Resolve Conflict Family Lawyers Cohabitation

There are on average 326 weddings across Australia per day. This swings between over 2,000 weddings on a popular Saturday to just 37 weddings on Christmas Day!

77% of Australian couples cohabitate before getting married.

Resolve Conflict Marriage Calendar

Most popular times to get married during the year are Spring and Autumn, in the months of November and March.

The least popular months are June and July each of which only hosts 5% of yearly marriages.

Popular wedding dates are on the increase, with 923 marriages held on Australia Day.


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