Family Law Blog

Step-Parents’ Rights And Responsibilities

Step-Parent Defined A step parent is defined in section 4(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 as a person who: is not a parent of the child; is or has been married to or a de facto partner of a…

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Understanding Australia’s No-Fault Divorce

No-fault divorce has been established in Australia since 1975 when the Whitlam Government introduced the Family Law Act 1975. However, to this day there are still several misconceptions when it comes to divorce in Australia. The most common…

A Guide To Parental Responsibility

Parental Responsibility Parental responsibility is the authority to make decisions concerning and affecting the care, welfare and proper development of a child. Both parents have full parental responsibility for their children up until the age of 18. Parental…

Matrimonial Asset Pool: How is it valued and divided?

If you have recently separated from your spouse or de facto partner it is advised that you seek to finalise your property settlement sooner rather than later. This will help you avoid post separation asset or debt accumulation…

Divorce Timeline In Australia

  STAGE 1: DATE OF SEPARATION The day either or both parties expresses their intention to end the relationship. This is the first practical step after a break up, where one or both parties move out of the…

When Can I Remarry After Divorce?

You can remarry after divorce as long as your divorce order has taken effect. This is usually one month and one day after your divorce is granted by the Court. You will need to supply your marriage celebrant…

Can I Get My Marriage Annulled?

What Is An Annulment Of Marriage? In Australia an annulment of marriage is legally referred to as a ‘decree of nullity of marriage’, which is governed by the Family Law Act. A decree of nullity is a finding…