Family Law Blog

Helping children adjust after separation or divorce

It’s normal for children to feel unsettled if you’re going through separation or divorce. The following article by Raising Children Network looks at how you can help your child cope and adjust by talking honestly with your child, reassuring your…

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Money mistakes that ruin marriage

It’s no surprise that different financial views in a relationship can cause friction between partners. The following article by finance expert David Koch (News Corp Australia) highlights key financial discussions every couple should have sooner rather than later. Money…

How to Determine if a Prenuptial Agreement is Right for You

Whether to enter into a prenuptial agreement or not is a very personal decision. Each individual and couple is unique. Therefore, you should base your decision on your own unique circumstances. Review the pros and cons of prenuptial agreements…

De Facto Should We Register Our De Facto Relationship?

Registering A De Facto Relationship Registration is not required in order for a de facto relationship to be recognised. The advantage with a registered relationship is that it dispenses with proof of the existence of the relationship. De…

How to Talk to Your Children about Divorce

Children at varied developmental levels naturally have a different understanding of divorce, the reasons for it, and what the future will bring. Parents will therefore need to tailor discussions according to their children’s maturity. Parents of young children…

4 Ways People Sabotage Their Breakups

The following article by Jill P. Weber Ph.D. is an interesting look at how some people may sabotage the end of their relationship and how that can impact them during and after the separation. 4 Ways People Sabotage Their Breakups…

8 Strategies for Helping Kids Adjust to a Divorce

Divorce is not easy for parents or kids. Everyone in the family feels a tremendous sense of loss and anxiety. The family as they know it, will no longer be the same. In order for parents to be…