Family Law Blog

Why You Shouldn’t Just Take Divorce Advice From Family And Friends

Although they clearly have your best interests at heart, there are a number of reasons why you shouldn’t take the advice of those closest to you when it comes to the matter of your marriage and its break-up….

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Who’ll get the super money if you break-up?

The following article by AMP is a comprehensive look at how to sort out your super to stay on track with your financial goals when your relationship has broken down.   The end of a relationship may be something…

What happens to my finances if I split up with my de facto?

If you’ve recently split from your partner or simply wondering what might happen if you do, you’ll need to keep your financial wits about you as a division of assets and debts, whether they’re held separately or together,…

Parenting After Divorce : The 8 Step Method for Success

Parenting through and after a divorce can be frustrating, confusing and complex. However, parents around the world are successfully dealing with the challenges of co-parenting and raising happy, well-adjusted children. There are many factors that influence how effective…

Children and Divorce : Effective Tips for Parents

For families, divorce is always something that couples approach with trepidation even when the desire to part ways is strong. Parents naturally worry about their children and lament the breakup of their family. Yet divorce is frequently inevitable…

5 Reasons and 5 Steps to Communicate with Your Co-parent

Building a parenting partnership during and after divorce requires effective communication on a regular basis. Even if don’t like each other, or you disagree on many issues, you need to face the fact that finding a way to…

10 Ways To Help Someone Going Through A Divorce

Perhaps almost as bad a going through a divorce yourself is watching someone you love go through one. Whether it’s a parent, a son, a daughter, or a close relative or friend, seeing someone in that kind of…