Family Law Blog

8 Ways To Spring Clean Your Relationship

  Are there some dust bunnies and cobwebs in your relationship that need cleaning out? Here are some ideas for spring cleaning your marriage:   1. Clear the air. Are there any conversations you have been avoiding, or arguments…

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Coping with a Breakup or Divorce

It’s never easy when a marriage or significant relationship ends. Whatever the reason for the split, and whether you wanted it or not, the breakup of a relationship can turn your whole world upside down and trigger all…

What Is The Difference Between A Complaint And A Criticism?

Complain more.  Criticise less. Criticism is a destructive global attack on a person’s personality, childhood, history, or character. Complaints, however, are about a person’s behaviour a specific thing, time, and place. With complaints there is no attack, but…

What Happy Couples Do That Unhappy Couples Can Learn

What is the difference between a married couple that bickers regularly but seem to really like each and the perfect-looking couple who never argues but is suddenly headed for divorce?   A very different skill set.   The…

Key Points For Telling Children About A Separation

In this article acclaimed couples counsellor Don Elium looks at the key things you need to do when telling you children you and your partner are separating. Preparation: It is best to prepare for this conversation with your spouse with a counsellor….

3 Bad Reasons To Separate (And One Good One)

In this article acclaimed couples counsellor Don Elium looks at why people separate and how to avoid an unnecessary divorce. There are 3 REALLY BAD REASONS to push for a separation: 1. For revenge or punishment over emotional hurt. This…

The 8 Most Common Reasons for Divorce

1. LACK OF COMMITMENT 73% of couples said a lack of commitment was the main reason their marriage didn’t work. According to the survey, 62% of exes said they wished their spouses had worked harder to stay married….